How Fast Do Pests Multiply?

lots of ants on the ground

Pests can multiply scary fast. That’s one fact that most people underestimate. 

The truth is that unless you understand how fast a pest can multiply, it can be almost impossible to calculate how big of an infestation you have. 

That’s why those of us at Gibson Pest Control are ready to give you the best quick guide to how fast pests multiply. 

Now, you need to understand that each pest is slightly different. Cockroaches reproduce at a different rate than rats, for example. That means that you need to understand which pests you’re dealing with. So, we’ll cover three pests that are known to multiply fast. 

Here’s the first pest on that list:


Cockroaches spread at a staggering rate. For instance, just two cockroaches can produce up to 400 thousand babies in a single year! Those babies can grow into full-grown adults in just three to four months. 

That’s only given prime condition, of course. All of this means that a “small” infestation can rapidly grow into one that is far from manageable. If you have a cockroach problem, read more here. 

Other than cockroaches, we want to mention: 


Rats don’t come anywhere near the 400 thousand offspring that a cockroach can produce. However, rats are much larger than the average cockroach, which allows them to spread bacteria even faster. Given the best conditions, just two rats can quickly grow into 1,250.

Each of those rats can carry diseases and sicknesses that spread to you. If you notice one rat, there’s likely more.

Before we move on to the last pest on our list, we want to clear up a misconception. 

Bed bugs don’t repopulate as fast as you think. 

Overall, yes, they repopulate quickly. However, they don’t compare to cockroaches. Each adult is only capable of laying about one egg per day. Then each egg takes around ten days even to hatch and another six weeks to grow into an adult. 

With that myth busted, let’s wrap up with our last pest: 


Houseflies are up there with the best of them in terms of multiplying. These small pests can lay up to 150 eggs in a single batch, making around five to six of those batches in just a few days. Then after a housefly is born, it only needs two or three days to reach maturity. 

These are the pests that we deemed most common and quickest at reproduction. If you end up having a pest problem relating to one of these pests, there’s help you can count on. 

Visit Gibson Pest Control or call today for the best pest control service!

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